Welcome to Klassy Collectibles – Meet Our Team

Miss Daphne – Personal Shopper

I enjoy looking my best and wearing anything that sparkles and I love to shop!!  So if you need help with a purchase here at Klassy Collectibles please let me know.  I make sure everything at Klassy Collectibles is fit for a Princes, like me! 

Ms. Josephine – Executive Secretary

As Executive Secretary I personally respond to all correspondence and make sure everyone who visits Klassy Collectibles has a great experience.  Actually, I’m in charge of everything, just don’t tell the human employees. 

The Human Employees

We are a mother & daughter enterprise and we enjoy collecting.  One day while cleaning out some closets, we realized we have too much “stuff”.  Stuff passed down from parents & grandparents.  Stuff that we added to our collections but now wonder why we got it in the first place – we’ve all done that!  So much of what we have “collected” has been passed down family heirlooms that no one else wanted and we couldn’t bear to see things tossed away.  You know the that belonged to Aunt Adelaide or my grandmother feeling so you hang on to it perhaps out of sentiment or maybe one day you’ll display it, but sadly it ends up sitting in a closet.  So we decided to share our collectibles so others may now enjoy them as much as we have and thus Klassy Collectibles was born.  We hope you will find a little something Klassy that will brighten your day.